
'Science Diplomacy for Sustainable Development' Symposium


The international symposium titled 'Science Diplomacy for Sustainable Development', organized by the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) in cooperation with the Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA), will take place on 28-29 June 2024 in Ankara, Turkiye.

The symposium aims to bring together scientists, diplomats, policymakers, and other stakeholders from around the world to discuss the role of science diplomacy in achieving sustainable development goals. It provides a platform for experts to share insights, engage in discussions and foster international collaborations.

Please note the following deadlines:
16 May 2024: Deadline for abstract submission
27 May 2024: Notification of acceptance
23 June 2024: Deadline for full paper submission

'Science Diplomacy for Sustainable Development' Symposium by TÜBA&AASSA


Zeynep Aysan-Şahintaş